Monday, February 8, 2010

Why do people react differently even though its the same thing just said by different people? Did they do something wrong?

Sometimes I wonder, and all the "what if"s come to my mind. Its not related to me, but more like things that are out of our capability. Like what if the whole world speaks one language. Wouldn't that be easier and solve alot of problems? There would be no such thing as language barriers.
Or if we can read minds, there would be no secrets, just plain honesty. Then Prof. Charles Xavier wouldn't be called a mutant haha. Everyone could just understand everyone else.

DE labtest was a breeze hoho. I think I'm getting sick, my head is throbbing after climbing every flight of stairs. Even when I walk fast I get dizzy. My walking speed today was amazingly slow, feel like a snail lol.

Never make someone a priority in your life when you're just an option in theirs.


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