yilin- huhh huhh? u wan leech?
Xue Ling - LOL okayy.... Hi xue ling, im ghazali.......... xD SOUNDS RETARDED!!!
Olga - cutie? where where? o.o
Kai Song - huhh? o.o really arh ooooh.... sry will do!
Chem at 5 ytd!!! slept at 4e3 most of the time~
pity that boy =( he kena prank until so bad! the guys broke his heart at night!
hahax dun understand? ur not supposed to~
that juz shows that if sumthni too good to be true happens on April Fools....
then OBVIOUSLY its a joke. expect the unexpected~
math test today! confirm! gurantee! no problem! fail =.=
slept at de back cause i cant do a single qs.... if only i was einstein~
not my fault! i really cant concentrate in class =(
the only way to make me alive is for Alfie to punch me awake =.=
and he hits like a sissy =__= he punch me he say his hand pain
anyone who think you can do a better job pls step up~
cause i needa feel de PAIN =X muz be physical if nt i'll juz
go on dreaming =.=
ahh I miss basketball~
"Hate me today, Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things i didnt do for you""
Hate Me - Blue October
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