Thursday, September 18, 2008

zaki - yea~ go ahead, be my guest lol
yilin - lol oooops =X
xinrong - thx =D
MURHANii - drama... wad title sia? lol
pat - thx =D

dang... i need a phone...
with a camera...
which can take photo...
that i can post on blog lol


ok back lol~
wads de cause of headaches sia -.=
that word "headache" took me 2 hrs to type lol

u know japan has a lot of game shows, most of it ridiculous...
bt their funny and entertaining arr.... in a way...
i think america is trying to follow them
they've made a game out of almost anything!

gt a game for remembering the lyrics....
theres one for chefs....
theres even one for the no.1 phsycic where psycics in america compete lol

theres one called "moment of truth" where the contestants have to ans questions truthfully to get a million dollars (come to think of it, the prize is always a million bucks)
and the questions are like "did u haf sex wif ur frens wife" lol would u join?
no wonder companies there are going bankrupt lol

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