Sunday, September 5, 2010

Love is like flying a kite. There are times when you need to learn how to release the string and pull back with the right pressure. When the kite-flyer pulls too hard, the string will become too taut and snap.

Why would the kite-flyer pull hard at the string?

Kite-flyer wants to possess the kite. The kite-flyer refuses to let go. The kite-flyer wanted the kite to be in his/her arms only.

But the kite belonged to the sky. The kite needs its own space, its own freedom. Yet, it feels safely close to the best friend – the kite flyer, safely tagged by the string to earth.

Only the kite flyer that understands the kite most can make the kite soar and display all the beautiful colors on it

-from anonymous

True aint it?
Been wanting to fly a kite for so long. Got the string but not the kite. I wanna get the big big ones haha.
That way when I fly it, everyone will see. Anybody wanna join me? At WCP one day...
The feeling of flying a kite, its just awesome. Just like throwing a boomerang =p

Time seems to be zooming past me like in an F1 race haha. Instead of hitching a ride, I feel like playing poker cards by the side. or maybe chinese chess hehe
Gotta study. who hasn't said that?

Sit back, enjoy~ =]

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